Friday, May 13, 2011

Dad - Day 15

I cannot believe that we are more than two weeks into this ordeal!

Dad has been out of CVCC (cardiac icu) for a few days now and finally can see the light of the outside world. I think it will take a few days, but I am sure it will make a difference in his moods. Yesterday was a bit of a rough day. Dad was feeling well enough to be grumpy, so mom didn't visit long. Auntie stayed all day with him but mom stayed away, and with me back at work, I didn't see him yesterday.

Apparently he had a fall yesterday...just trying to be Mr. Independent...and a chair had slipped out from underneath him. Because of this, when mom went to visit this morning they had a bed alarm on, which he doesn't like. Mom said that he had called the nurse for some help, and after 15 minutes no one had come to help him, so he looked at mom and said watch this.....he lifted his butt up off of the bed and the bed alarm went off.....3 people ran in the room and no surprise.....Dad has found a way to manipulate the system. What a nut.

Mom says that he was feeling better today because they have finally given him a plan. Supposedly surgery will be Tuesday morning and the doctors told him that from today, he will probably be looking at 10 to 12 more days. He can see the light at the end of the tunnel, finally, and although things will still be tough, he is feeling better about it.

I have worked the past two days, and will be at work again tonight. I joke that I had to go back to work so I could get some rest, but of course, that isn't completely true. I am trying to sleep during the day, as usual, but it is hard to stay asleep.

Auntie is still here and will be heading back to California tomorrow. I will be sad to see her go and hope she can come back soon for a real visit. Obviously, I haven't been able to show her around at all, so one of these days I would like to!

Aunt Carol will be coming back from Virginia on Sunday. She plans to stay at a hotel by the hospital so that she can be close to dad. She will be staying a whole week. I am relieved that she will be back and hopefully this visit will be a little less stressful than the last one! I know that dad will be relieved to have her back, too!

As long as all is well, I plan on updating every few days instead of now news is good news! to work I go!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear he's feeling better. Plus, now having a set goal has got to make him feel a little more informed/involved in the outcome as the laying there in the complete unknown.

    I hope things continue in the right direction & he gets well & back home to the family soon.

    Oh, sorry to say, but I find it very funny that he's found a way to buck the system with the bed alarm thing!!!

    Good Luck!!!
